How do I Avoid Probate? (Video)

How do I Avoid Probate? (Video)

How do I Avoid Probate?

Hi. I’m Gary the owner of DeWitt law. Start your plan now at DeWitt dot law.

You have a few ways to avoid probate, some of them better than others.

First, you can have nothing. If you don’t own anything, then there is no probate. More on this in a minute. It isn’t as hard as you think to have nothing in your name.

Second, you plan to avoid probate.

A plan to avoid probate ranges from simple to complex, depending on your circustanes.

The plan that works for many people is a beneficiary plan. This plan uses mechanisms that transfer your property and money immediately without probate, skipping the courts, creditors, and Medicaid. It puts a special deed in place on your house that not only moves it to the new owners, but keeps it out of the hands of Medicaid if you ever need Medicaid.

If you have more complex rules, then you can use a basic probate prevention trust to implement those rules and avoid probate.

Remember what I said about one plan is not owning anything. In a way that is what a trust does for you. You create the trust, then transfer ownership of property to the trustee. But, during your lifetime, you are the trustee meaning you maintain complete control over everything in the trust. But, the instant somebody dies, ownership immediately transfers to the next trustee in line, skipping probate because you didn’t own anything.

If you need to avoid probate and protect your children from their own bad habits, addictions, spending, bad marriage, and more, then you can use a trust designed to do that as well.

And, if you plan with us, we can shield your home from Medicaid recovery meaning it will be there for your children.

You have two choices – estate plan or not. One choice leads to certainty, security, and peace of mind. The other choice leads to uncertainty, loss of control, and court.

Get your plan started now at DeWitt dot law.