3 Types of Estate Planning

Do Nothing Plan

  • Put your family through the pain of probate with its gigantic legal fees, aggravations, and wasted time before they get their inheritance
  • The State through a Judge, not you, decides who gets what, when, how, and how much
  • In case of your incapacity, a Judge picks who is in charge, not you
  • Lose privacy of the contents of your estate and personal affairs to the public court record meaning financial predators can easily prey on your family
  • Usually the most expensive plan of all – in time, money, and aggravation

Do It Yourself Plan

  • One mistake could turn your entire plan into a do nothing plan meaning your family will face the pain of probate with its gigantic legal fees, aggravations, and wasted time
  • You decide who gets what, when, how, and how much.  You decide who is in charge if you can’t be
  • Easy to make mistakes because of the complexity of the language and “terms of art”
  • One commonly made mistake could cost you half of what you have while living even if it isn’t your fault
  • You don’t get do overs. Mistakes are paid for by you and your family. Online services are not law firms, but document preparation companies that waive all liability for mistakes. One mistake could make it a do nothing plan.

Work With an Attorney

  • Save your loved ones from the pain of probate, its gigantic legal fees, wasted time, and aggravations
  • Stop frustrations, stress, worries and aggravation before they start
  • You decide who makes decisions and how stuff is distributed, not the State through a Judge. You decide who is in charge.
  • Keep your private affairs and worth private
  • Get professional advice, counseling, and coaching every step of the way