Springdale Estate Planning Lawyer: Preserve Family Values

Springdale Estate Planning Lawyer: Preserve Family Values

Planning shouldn’t just be about moving wealth from one generation to the next.  Planning should also involve preserving and continuing your family story, passing values, giving life lessons, and your experiences so your personal and family legacy carries on long after you are gone.

What family values do you want to pass on to the next generations?

For some, it is the gift of a higher education.  For others, a strong work ethic.

Without incentives and control, wealth can create problems.  With control, and incentives to lead a productive life or get education, you can leave a legacy and pass your values on to your family.

With proper Trust based planning you can make sure that all your values are incorporated with financial incentives and oversight.

Perhaps one of the best ways to preserve family values is by using stories – both written and video.  Take a few minutes to write down family history.  While you may not appreciate it, your children will.  If you know the family genealogy, write it down for future generations.

If you can, record a brief video.  Almost every smart phone has a decent to good video recording.  You can then save that off to a SD card or DVD and include it in your estate planning binder or folder.