Who Make Decisions When You’re Injured (Video)?

If you’re injured or develop dementia and can’t make decisions, who legally can make your decisions? The answer may surprise you!

Hi. I’m Gary the owner of DeWitt Law Firm. We are with you every step of the way. Get your plan started now by going to dewitt dot law.

If you are injured or have dementia and can’t make decisions, your family may be in a very tough spot.

Without your signature, your spouse can’t manage your money or sell the house, even if they need to. Your spouse or family doesn’t automatically have the legal authority to sign for you.

Your spouse and family doesn’t automatically have the authority to make your healthcare decisions.

Family will have to go ask a court for permission to make decisions for you in a process known as guardianship.

And your family doesn’t get full control, they’ll share control with the State. A Judge gets to decide who manages your day to day decisions. A Judge will still oversee and make the major decisions.

The only way you get to make your voice heard is to have a plan now.

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